Driving to ISMS
This map shows "contours" of driving distances from Urbana, in rings of 100 miles.
To calculate driving directions from your location to the meeting location, please use the Directions link in the pop-up bubble below.
All local hotels provide complementary parking. All hotels with ISMS room blocks are either within walking distance or have a shuttle to bring you to Noyes Laboratory.If you stay in the dorms, parking is available for $9/day. Parking can be purchased when you register and your permits can be picked up as part of the Dorm check-in process. Parking permits are for a single assigned lot, this year in lot E14, which is a 5-6 minute walk from the Dorms. See Dorms page for a map and more details.
A reserved meter space can be arranged (based on availability), but rates are significantly higher (~$20/day). There are meters outside the dorms and also outside the symposium building on S. Mathews Avenue.