76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy

June 19-23, 2023

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How Affiliations are used in an Abstract

An Affiliation is the Institution/Department and City, State, Country that an Author wishes to be listed under on an Abstract. A person can have more than one Affiliation (some people may use Department of Chemistry on some Abstracts and Department of Astronomy on others depending on the scope of the work).

When you create your Abstract, you will be asked to select authors from their listed Affiliations. If the Affiliation you wish to select for a particular person is not listed, there is a generic option for each person that should be selected, which can be modified later.

It is extremely important to use care when adding Affiliations, and searching for and selecting existing affiliations if they are already in the system. Slight differences in Affiliations will cause Author listings to not consolidate correctly.

Author Lists

The system will automatically consolidate sequential Authors with exactly the same Affiliation together.

For example, if you have the following Author/Affiliations selected for an Abstract:

Fred Flintsone, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA
Barney Rubble, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA (speaker)

Your Author list will be generated as follows:
FRED FLINTSTONE, BARNEY RUBBLE, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA

However, if the Affiliations are slightly different, they will not be combined:

Fred Flintstone, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, The Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA
Barney Rubble, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA (speaker)

Your Author list will be generated as follows:
FRED FLINTSTONE, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, The Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA; BARNEY RUBBLE, Departments of Chemistry and Geology, Rubble School of Mines, Bedrock, USA

PLEASE NOTE: Author capitalization will happen automatically. If you have a last name with mixed case that is not Mc, Mac, or De, please let Birgit know so she can make sure you are listed correctly.

Click here to view a Sample Abstract

Click here to view another Sample Abstract