78th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy

June 23-27, 2025

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ISMS attendees enjoying the Picnic at sunset

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The International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy is the premier annual meeting in this exciting and interdisciplinary field. The symposium uniquely combines plenary talks from world leaders in the field with parallel sessions comprising shorter talks, many presented by graduate students, and fosters a collegial and collaborative atmosphere with a multitude of formal and informal interactions. Registration and housing costs are kept low to enable entire research groups to attend, and in fact most senior people in the field gave their very first conference presentation at this symposium (to a very friendly audience). A wide range of topics is covered, from theory to experiment, from gas-phase to condensed-phase, from low resolution to ultra-high resolution, from microwaves to gamma rays, and from fundamental science to applications such as astronomy and atmospheric science. Each year's meeting also includes three "mini-symposia" on topics of special interest.

2025 Tentative Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Plenary Session
Foellinger Auditorium
8:30 AM - Noonish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
8:30 AM - Noonish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
8:30 AM - Noonish
Plenary Session
Lincoln Hall Auditorium
8:30 AM - Noonish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
8:30 AM - Noonish
Vura-Weis Lab Tour
LUNCH-N-LEARN Charter Buses to O'Hare
Registration Required
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
1:45 PM - 5:00 PM ish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
1:45 PM - 5:00 PM ish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
1:45 PM - 5:00 PM ish
Oral Presentations
6 Parallel Sessions
1:45 PM - 5:00 PM ish
Student/Sponsor Mixer
6:00-9:00 PM
Faculty Reception
6:30-9:30 PM
Ikenberry Commons
Open to all Attendees
6:45 - 10:00 PM
LGBTQIA+ Reception
5:45 - 8:00 PM
Women's Networking Reception
5:45 - 8:00 PM